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Maison d'artiste, 1991


Portfolio of six indivisible works, printed in relief on Aetna-Sicars paper 59 x 78 cm, 500 g and Alcantara-Sicars paper 

360 g , 59 x 78 cm.

Edition numbered and signed by artist: 99 Arabic numbers, 3 proofs.


From the title page of the portfolio:

These impressions should be placed at right angle with natural light. They will appear at 12 noon until 4 pm in summer time. And from 11 to 13 (legal) in winter time. They record the lights of sunrise and sunset. The blue board is for the blind. It must be touched by hand.


The design of the edition and the models of the works were made by Fabio Mauri in 1990/91, on the occasion of the artist's project "SENZARTE", at the same time as the exhibition "INTERNO ESTERNO", held in 1990 at the Galleria Carini in Florence.


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MAURI I. Maison d'Artiste, 1991, rilievo su carta
Rilievo 1

I - Relief on Aetna-Sicars paper 500 g.

MAURI II, Maison d'Artiste, 1991, rilievo su carta
Rilievo 2

II- Relief on Aetna-Sicars paper 500 g.

MAURI III, Maison d'Artiste, 1991, rilievo su carta
Rilievo 3

III - Relief on Aetna-Sicars paper 500 g.

MAURI IV, Maison d'Artiste, 1991, rilievo su carta
Rilievo 4

IV - Relief and lithograpy on Aetna-Sicars paper 500 g.

MAURI V, frontespizio, Maison d'Artiste, 1991, rilievo e serigrafia su carta
Rilievo 5

V - Relief and silkscreen on Alcantara-Sicars paper 360 g.

MAURI 6, Maison d'Artiste, 1991, rilievo su carta
Rilievo 6

VI - Relief and artist's intervention with graphite powder on Aetna-Sicars paper 500 g.


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